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The Global Government Cloud Forum Dubai – An exclusive interview with His Excellency Amer Sharaf

CNG had the opportunity to speak exclusively to His Excellency Amer Sharaf CEO of the Cyber Security Services and Systems at DESC in advance of ...
Editors Pick

RACE Model: Building Cyber Resiliency and Mitigating Network Risks by Going Back to Basics

Resilience is key to surviving in today’s world full of emerging technologies and hot-button buzzwords.
Company News

CIS CyberForge Abu Dhabi Recap

CNG continue their ongoing journey across the UAE with another hugely impressive event in Abu Dhabi, CIS CyberForge.
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The McPartland Review of Cyber Security and Economic Growth

The McPartland Review of Cyber Security and Economic Growth: Final report and recommendations - The Rt Hon Stephen McPartland

CISOs Role in Safeguarding The Digital Future

It is no secret that Cyber Attacks are on the rise. The utilities market has been experiencing such kinds of attacks since 2015.


The Power of AI in the Workplace: Key Considerations for Successful Integration
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the workplace. Here, we explore the key considerations for successfully integrating AI into the workplace
There is a growing perception that Operational Technology is the next big focus area for cyber security. Certainly, the incidence of attacks seems to be ...
The Battle for The Digital Supply Chain
The supply chain challenges that we are facing in the digital age are often relegated as low priority both by cyber professionals and by businesspeople.


“Catfished” Tinder Swindler Victim Ayleen Charlotte shares her story.

From Fraud Victim to anti-Fraud Champion, “Catfished” Tinder Swindler Victim Ayleen Charlotte shares her story.

Former U.S. secret service agent and convicted hacker reunite for the first time on the GISEC Global stage
Matt O’Neill and Hieu Minh Ngo share their unique story of redemption, as the pair seek to transform global understanding of evolving cybersecurity threats
The Total Number of DDoS Attacks in 2022 Increased by 73% Worldwide
The year of 2022 was remarkable in terms of significant rise in the number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and their intensity worldwide.


NCSC Assured Cyber Risk & Resilience Workshop

OSP Launch latest Cyber Risk & Resilience 1 Day Workshop

Why Black Friday Is the Best Time to Upskill Your Team in Cybersecurity
As we approach the new year, there’s no better time to prepare your organisation by investing in cybersecurity training for your team.
CIS CyberForge Abu Dhabi Recap
CNG continue their ongoing journey across the UAE with another hugely impressive event in Abu Dhabi, CIS CyberForge.
Editors Pick

RACE Model: Building Cyber Resiliency and Mitigating Network Risks by Going Back to Basics

Resilience is key to surviving in today’s world full of emerging technologies and hot-button buzzwords.
Company News

Supply Chain Security: Understanding and Reducing Risks

2024 marks the year supply chain cyber attacks became a mainstream concern, disrupting industries worldwide. How can you understand and reduce the supply chain risks?

Company News

The Global Government Cloud Forum Dubai – An exclusive interview with His Excellency Amer Sharaf
CNG had the opportunity to speak exclusively to His Excellency Amer Sharaf CEO of the Cyber Security Services and Systems at DESC in advance of ...
NCSC Assured Cyber Risk & Resilience Workshop
OSP Launch latest Cyber Risk & Resilience 1 Day Workshop
Why Black Friday Is the Best Time to Upskill Your Team in Cybersecurity
As we approach the new year, there’s no better time to prepare your organisation by investing in cybersecurity training for your team.