Case Study: Renewable Energy Company Embraces SSE to Transform Cloud Security and User Experience

Article by EveryCloud


REGION: UK, Europe, Asia, North America, South America



Operating globally across 14 offices, this company is a pioneer and expert in the field of renewable energy, harnessing the power of onshore wind, offshore, solar, hydro and new technologies.


  • Modernisation of group-wide VPN services
  • Lack of visibility and control of data in cloud and SaaS applications
  • Containing and mitigating cloud-based threats


  • Netskope Private Access
  • Netskope Next-Generation Secure Web Gateway
  • Netskope Email DLP


  • Secure and seamless end-user access to corporate resources hosted in the cloud
  • Real-time visibility and control of cloud applications and web traffic
  • Continuous scanning of data movement (including outgoing emails) for DLP violations
  • Consolidation of multiple legacy vendors for cost and operational benefits


When our client first engaged EveryCloud, their number one priority was to ensure secure and seamless access for end users, wherever they may be, to enterprise applications – be they in the cloud or on-premise. They needed things to ‘just work’ wherever their people are accessing from – and they needed to be getting a great user experience. Their legacy VPN solution couldn’t achieve that, so they were looking for a modern remote access solution – ideally VPNless.

EveryCloud introduced the IT team to Netskope Private Access – a Zero Trust Network Access solution – enabling them to test the solution for not just their own colleagues but for a third party contractor.

It quickly became apparent that this solution ticked exactly the boxes that the business was looking for – fast, secure and direct access to private applications hosted anywhere; whilst reducing risk, simplifying IT and optimising the user experience.


Meanwhile, the company had a pressing objective to consolidate and standardise their IT and security estate across the group.

This is where the Netskope Cloud Security platform came into its own. EveryCloud was able to demonstrate how many other clients had embarked on a cloud security transformation journey – combining secure remote access, cloud and web security and DLP onto a single platform with a single management console – thus replacing disparate and disjointed legacy tools.

Our client decided to invest in the Netskope SSE platform with EveryCloud’s ‘Cloud Aware’ service to ensure they gained maximum value from the solution ongoing. The first phase – urgent rollout of Netskope Private Access across the entire Natural Power estate, to replace the soon-expiring VPN solution – was achieved within one month of contract signature. This was quickly followed by the delivery of the Next-generation Secure Web Gateway and DLP solutions.

The IT team now have deep visibility, analysis and control of the company’s cloud applications and web usage – whilst addressing previous data loss challenges. In parallel, users now have seamless and secure access to the information and applications they need – anytime, anywhere on any device.
